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01 game

The term “01 game” can refer to different contexts, but it seems most relevant to a specific type of dart game.

### 01 Game (Dart Game)

The 01 game, also known as “Zero One,” is a popular variant of the dart game where players aim to reduce their score to exactly 0. Here are the key rules and strategies:

#### Rules:
1. **Objective:** The game starts with a set number of points, and the first player to reduce their score to exactly 0 wins.
2. **Throwing:** Each player throws 3 times per round. If a player’s points go below zero, it is called a “BUST,” and they must start again with the score they had at the previous round.
3. **Types of Games:** There are various “01” games, including 301, 501, 701, 901, 1101, and 1501. The last two digits being “01” gives the game its name.

#### Strategies:
1. **Initial Aims:** At the beginning of the game, focus on reducing your score. Aim for the bullseye first, as it is worth 50 points. If you miss the bull, aim for areas that will make it easier to reduce your score to zero.
2. **Leaving Points:** Leave numbers that are easy to combine, such as 24, 32, 36, 40, 50, and 60. Leaving 32 points is particularly effective because it allows you to aim for doubles or singles that are next to each other (e.g., aiming for a double at 16 if you miss and get a single 16 or single or double 8).

### Other Contexts
While the term “01 game” is most commonly associated with dart games, it could potentially refer to other contexts not covered here. For example, it might be used in a different game or application not mentioned.

### Mobile Game
If you are referring to a mobile game called “01Game,” it is a gaming app available on various platforms, but there is no detailed information provided about its gameplay mechanics.

### Conclusion
For the context of dart games, the 01 game is a well-defined variant with specific rules and strategies. If you are referring to another context, additional information would be needed to provide a detailed explanation.

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