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A game of wits indiana jones

To solve the “A Game of Wits” puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, follow these detailed steps:

### Step 1: Locate the Puzzle
1. **Find the Barracks**: Head to Voss’ Camp in the north section of Sukhothai. Specifically, look for a two-story barracks located to the west of the large building where you discover Voss’ Gold Stash.

2. **Grab the Notes**: Inside the barracks, find a table with a Mak-Yek board game and two notes: **Mak-Yek Rules** and **Lorenzo’s Challenge**.

### Step 2: Understand the Rules
1. **Mak-Yek Rules**: The rules state that pieces can move horizontally or vertically any distance until they hit a board edge or another piece. Enemy pieces are captured when they are surrounded on opposite sides by your pieces or when you fill a one-square gap between two enemy pieces.

2. **Lorenzo’s Challenge**: The goal is to capture all the red tokens by moving four different blue tokens only once each. The challenge outlines the specific movements required to capture all red pieces.

### Step 3: Solve the Puzzle
1. **First Move**: Move the blue piece from **F1** to **F3**. This captures both red pieces on E3 and G3, giving you the first digit of the code, which is **3**.

2. **Second Move**: Move the blue piece from **H1** to **D1**. This captures the red piece on C1, giving you the second digit of the code, which is **1**.

3. **Third Move**: Move the blue piece from **B1** to **B8**. This captures all red pieces on the top row (A8, C8, D8, and E8), giving you the third digit of the code, which is **8**.

4. **Fourth Move**: Move the blue piece from **F8** down to **F6**. This captures the final two red pieces on F5 and F4, giving you the fourth digit of the code, which is **6**.

### Step 4: Enter the Code
1. **Enter the Code**: Once you have completed all four moves, you will have the four-digit code: **3186**. Enter this code into the safe located just behind the Mak-Yek board to unlock it and claim your reward.

### Additional Tips
– **Visualization**: Since you cannot interact with the game board, you must visualize each piece moving in order to understand how the pieces will be captured and where they will end up.
– **Additional Rule**: There is an additional rule written on the back of the Mak-Yek Rules note. If you move a blue piece in between two red pieces that are one square apart, you will capture both of them, known as an intervention capture.
– **Rewards**: After solving the puzzle, you will find a pile of money inside the safe, which you can use to purchase items in the Sukhothai chapter.

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