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Are debates missable metaphor refantazio

Response: Yes, debates in Metaphor: ReFantazio are missable. Here’s a detailed overview on how to ensure you don’t miss them:

### Understanding Missable Debates

1. **Debate Locations**:
– The debates take place in three main areas: Martira, Port Brilehaven, and Altabury Heights.
– In Martira, there are three debates, while in Port Brilehaven, there are four debates. Altabury Heights has one debate.

2. **Finding Debate Locations**:
– To find the debate locations, explore the area and look for a podium. These podiums are usually near marketplaces.

3. **Missable Nature**:
– If you miss a debate, you cannot go back to participate in it. This means that debates are truly missable if you don’t complete them on the specified dates.

4. **Specific Debate Dates and Answers**:
– Here is a list of all debate dates and correct answers:
– **Martira**:
– 7/07: Lina – “What are your policies?”
– 7/09: Roger – “Taxes benefit us all.”
– 7/16: Loveless – “Alcohol won’t bring equality.”
– **Port Brilehaven**:
– 7/23: Jin – “We should help anyone.”
– 7/24: Glodell – “You only parrot Louis!”
– 7/26: Rudolf – “The tribes must stand together.”
– 7/27: Milo – “Beauty is deeper than our skin.”
– **Altabury Heights**:
– 9/13: Julian – “The present day matters too.”

5. **Rewards for Completing Debates**:
– Completing all debates with the right answers unlocks the “Debate Me!” achievement and rewards you with Reeves, which increases your Eloquence and Imagination attributes.

### Tips to Ensure You Don’t Miss Debates

1. **Keep Track of Time**:
– Make sure to check the game’s calendar regularly to keep track of the debate dates.

2. **Explore Regularly**:
– Regularly explore the towns where debates are scheduled to find the debate podiums.

3. **Plan Ahead**:
– Plan your activities around the debate dates to ensure you have enough time to participate in all debates.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you don’t miss any of the debates in Metaphor: ReFantazio and complete the “Debate Me!” achievement.

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