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black ops 6 hunting season safe code

To find and open the safe in the “Hunting Season” mission of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, follow these detailed steps:

1. Access the Tac Map and Locate the Village:
– After gaining access to the Layup, you will receive a vehicle to explore the open-world area. Use your Tac Map to navigate.
– Look at the bottom left of the Tac Map and find the marker labeled “Village.”

2. Clear the Village:
– Drive to the Village and clear out the area. This includes taking out any enemies inside and around the house where the safe is located.

3. Enter the House:
– Once the area is clear, enter the house marked by your Tac Map. The house is likely a two-story building with a broken roof and a sniper located on it.

4. Find the Radio:
– Inside the house, navigate to the kitchen area. The radio is hidden in a very dark room to the right of the kitchen.

5. Tune the Radio:
– Enter the dark room and find the radio on a shelf to the immediate right. Tune the radio by adjusting the frequency and amplitude until the two waveforms become united. This will unlock a broadcast that reveals the safe code.

6. Get the Safe Code:
– The code will be announced over the radio. Note down the four-digit code. The code is unique to your playthrough, so it may differ from what others have found.

7. Locate the Safe:
– After tuning the radio, leave the dark room and enter back into the main building. The safe is located to the right of the radio room, near a dresser with rice bags stacked next to it.

8. Open the Safe:
– Use the code you obtained from tuning the radio to open the safe. The safe will contain $1000, which you can use to purchase new gear or upgrade your equipment.

### Summary:
– The safe in “Hunting Season” is located in a house within the Village encampment.
– Clear out the area and enter the house.
– Find and tune the radio in the dark room to the right of the kitchen.
– Note down the unique four-digit code announced over the radio.
– Use the code to open the safe, which contains $1000.

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