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black ops 6 most wanted safe code

To find and open the safe in the “Most Wanted” mission of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, follow these detailed steps:

1. Enter Capitol Station:
– Once you’re free to explore, head to the off-limit area behind the bar. This will be directly to your right as you enter Capitol Station.

2. Wait for the Guard:
– Wait for the guard to leave the entrance on a quick patrol. This will give you an opportunity to sneak in without being detected.

3. Sneak into the Restricted Area:
– Sneak into the restricted area by heading through the closest red and yellow curtains. Take the first right out of another set of curtains to find a small room.

4. Locate the Radio:
– The radio will be on the desk directly to your right in this small room.

5. Tune the Radio:
– Interact with the radio by tuning the frequency and amplitude until both waveforms turn green. This will start a broadcast that repeats a four-digit code.

6. Input the Code:
– The repeating string of numbers is the safe code. Input these numbers into the safe located at the back left of the room to claim your reward of $1000.

By following these steps, you should be able to find and open the safe in the “Most Wanted” mission of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

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