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Response: Given the context of “Halo Reach multiplayer maps,” the question about cheats likely pertains to methods or codes that can be used to gain an advantage in multiplayer gameplay. Here is a detailed answer:

Cheats for Halo Reach Multiplayer Maps

While cheats can provide an unfair advantage, they are often hidden and require precise timing to execute. Here are some cheats:

1. Unlocking Armor and Levels:
– Unlock all Armor: On the main menu, press A, B, Y, A, Y, B, B, X, then spin the right joystick clockwise once and push DOWN, UP, A on the D-pad.
– Unlock all Campaign Levels: On the first playable level in the campaign, hold LEFT on the left joystick when the video starts. Then, while holding left and not moving, press Y, X, A, X, B, LEFT (D-pad) DOWN, UP, LEFT, LEFT TRIGGER, RIGHT TRIGGER A, B, B.

2. Credits and Elite Armor:
– Unlock 999,999,999 Credits: On the last level of the campaign, hold LEFT TRIGGER and RIGHT BUMPER. Then, type in the following code on the D-pad: UP, DOWN, LEFT, LEFT, UP, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, UP, DOWN, A, A, Y, X, X, X, Y, X.
– Unlock all Elite Armor: On the main menu, press LEFT JOYSTICK TWICE, then RIGHT JOYSTICK COUNTER CLOCKWISE, and finally press RIGHT A, X, Y, DOWN, LEFT, Y, X, Y, RIGHT, DOWN, UP.

3. Infinite Ammo:
– In-game (not in matchmaking), type in the following code on the D-pad: UP, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, Y, X, A, X, A, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, Y, X, RIGHT BUMPER, LEFT TRIGGER, START.

Important Notes

– Timing is Critical: Most cheats require precise timing to work correctly. The game’s developers have made these cheats challenging to execute intentionally.
– No Matchmaking: Some cheats, like infinite ammo, are only applicable in single-player or custom games and not in matchmaking.
– Community-Verified: The cheats listed have been documented over the years by players and gaming communities.

Using these cheats can enhance your gameplay experience in Halo Reach multiplayer maps, but it’s essential to remember that they are not officially supported by the game developers and may not be available in all game modes.

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