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Citadel of trials second floor gauntlets not there

If the Zeus Gauntlets are not found on the second floor of the Citadel of Trials, there are a few possible explanations and steps you can take:

1. Teleporter Puzzle: The second floor is a maze of closed rooms with teleporters. To navigate this floor, you need to touch columns to teleport to different rooms. The rule to reach the third floor quickly is to always choose the lowest column, as this will advance you to where you need to go and reduce the number of attacks you face.

2. Missing Gauntlets: If you miss the Zeus Gauntlets on the second floor, you have a chance to obtain them again on the third floor.

3. Alternative Path: Ensure that you are following the correct path through the teleporter puzzle. If you miss the Gauntlets, it might be because you took an incorrect path or missed the specific room where they are located.

4. Item Limitation: In some versions of the game, there is an item limitation where opening one chest will make another chest empty, so you can only get one set of those Gauntlets from the Citadel of Trials.

5. Check Your Path: Double-check your path and ensure that you have visited all necessary rooms. The Gauntlets are located in the northeast tower on this floor.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Find the Gauntlets:

1. Enter the Citadel: After obtaining the Crown by defeating Astos, enter the castle and visit the throne to be warped to the second floor.

2. Navigate the Teleporters:
– Touch columns to teleport between rooms.
– Always choose the lowest column to avoid going in circles and to reach the staircase in the lower right corner quickly.

3. Locate the Northeast Tower:
– Once you have navigated through the rooms, find the northeast tower.
– Inside this tower, you should find the Bolt2-casting Gauntlets.

4. Verify Your Progress:
– If you still cannot find the Gauntlets, ensure that you have explored all rooms and taken the correct path.
– If you have already obtained them and they are missing, it might be due to an item limitation or a mistake in your previous attempt.

By following these steps and ensuring you navigate the teleporter puzzle correctly, you should be able to locate the Zeus Gauntlets on the second floor of the Citadel of Trials. If you still encounter issues, consider checking for any item limitations or alternative paths.

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