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Cypher puzzle indiana jones

To solve the cipher puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, specifically the Captain’s Cipher Machine puzzle, follow these detailed steps:

### Step-by-Step Instructions

1. **Locate the Cipher Machine and Components:**
– Enter the Officer Lounge where you’ll find all necessary components: the Captain’s Code, two Code Lists, the cipher machine, and four code wheels covered in letters.

2. **Identify the Correct Order of Code Wheels:**
– Using the Captain’s Code, **JÖGM**, examine the code wheels for these letters and place them into the cipher machine in this order:
– The wheel with a ‘J’ on it goes in the leftmost slot.
– The wheel with the ‘Ö’ goes in the next slot.
– Continue this process until all wheels are correctly placed.

3. **Configure the Cipher Machine:**
– Close the lid on the cipher machine and rotate the wheels to spell out **JÖGM** in the top row with the white triangles pointing next to each letter.

4. **Observe the Resulting Code:**
– After rotating the wheels, the bottom row of letters will spell out **“BLUT”**.

5. **Find the Corresponding Code:**
– Examine the Code Table on the table behind you. You’ll find that the four-digit code for BLUT is **3666**.

6. **Enter the Code to Unlock the Door:**
– Head over to the exit door and enter the code **3666**. The door will swing open, allowing you to climb up the ladder to reach the battleship’s bridge.

### Additional Tips

– **Previewing Code Wheels:** If you’re unsure about the correct order, hold each wheel up to the light to ensure it has all the necessary letters.
– **Swapping Wheels:** If you get the order wrong, you can continue swapping the wheels until you have the right choice.
– **Captain’s Note:** The actual code you need to input is not directly from the Captain’s Code but from what appears below it when you pull away from the Cipher Machine, which is **BLUT**.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to solve the Captain’s Cipher Machine puzzle and progress through the game.

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