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fallout 4 can’t plant food to feed people

If you’re having trouble planting food in Fallout 4 to feed your settlers, there could be a few reasons for this issue. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem:

1. **Check for Bugs**
– Verify if it’s a bug.
– Update your game to ensure you have the latest patches installed, as bugs can sometimes be fixed in updates.

2. **Ensure Proper Setup**
– Confirm that you have established a settlement and have a garden area designated for planting food.
– Ensure that the garden area is clear of any obstacles and that you have enough space to plant the required number of food items.

3. **Assign Settlers**
– Assign settlers to the farming role through your settlement menu. This is crucial as it allows them to manage and harvest the planted food.
– Verify that the settlers you have assigned to farming are actually working in the garden by checking their roles in the settlement menu.

4. **Planting Process**
– Open your inventory and select the food items you want to plant.
– Move to the designated garden area and use the camera to angle down and plant the selected food items.
– After planting, ensure that the food items are correctly placed in the garden and that the settlers are assigned to manage them.

5. **Troubleshooting Tips**
– Sometimes, the camera angle can affect the planting process. Try adjusting the camera angle slightly to see if it resolves the issue.
– Ensure that you are navigating through the menus correctly, as minor navigation errors can cause issues.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve any issues related to planting food in Fallout 4. If the problem persists, it might be worth checking for specific bug fixes or updates related to your platform.

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