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Fastest way to level up in Pokémon Scarlet?

The fastest way to level up in Pokémon Scarlet involves several methods, each with its own advantages. Here are the most effective strategies:

1. **Hunting Chansey with Ham Sandwiches**
– **Step-by-Step Instructions:**
1. **Prepare Ham Sandwich Ingredients:** Buy ham, pickles, mustard, and mayonnaise.
2. **Make a Ham Sandwich:** Use the ingredients to make a Ham Sandwich. This will give you the Encounter Power: Normal buff, which increases the spawn rate of Normal-type Pokémon, including Chansey.
3. **Travel to North Province (Area Three):** Use Koraidon or Miraidon to travel to North Province (Area Three). This area is known for having high-level Chansey.
4. **Defeat Chansey:** Hunt and defeat Chansey in the area. Each Chansey defeated will give your main Pokémon around 5,000 XP, while other party members will receive 1,000-3,000 XP depending on their level.

2. **Participating in Tera Raid Battles**
– **Step-by-Step Instructions:**
1. **Unlock Tera Raids:** Clear the story and unlock Tera Raids by approaching glowing crystal chunks on the map.
2. **Join 5-Star or 6-Star Raids:** Participate in 5-Star or 6-Star Tera Raids for higher EXP rewards. These raids also offer Exp Candy XL or L as additional rewards.
3. **Earn EXP Candy:** Use Exp Candy XL or L to level up your Pokémon quickly. Exp Candy XL gives 30,000 EXP, while Exp Candy L gives 10,000 EXP.

3. **Using EXP Candy or Rare Candy**
– **Step-by-Step Instructions:**
1. **Acquire EXP Candy:** Find EXP Candy in Pokeballs scattered in the wild or as a prize in Tera Raid Battles.
2. **Apply Candy:** Use the EXP Candy on your low-level Pokémon to gain multiple levels at once. This is especially useful for high-level Pokémon that need a lot of EXP to level up.

### Additional Tips
– **Lucky Egg:** If your lead Pokémon is holding a Lucky Egg, it boosts EXP points earned by 50%.
– **Auto-Battle:** Once you’re at a higher level than the Chansey, you can auto-battle multiple Chansey to net a few hundred XP per battle.

By combining these methods, you can efficiently level up your Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet.

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