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Fire temple walkthrough tears of the kingdom

Response: To complete the Fire Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, follow these detailed steps:

1. Arrival and Initial Exploration
– Enter the Fire Temple: After traversing through Death Mountain and the Depths, you will arrive at the base of the Fire Temple. Speak to Yunobo before entering for a cutscene. Smash the boulder blocking the entrance with Yunobo’s power.
– Initial Chamber: Enter the central chamber and examine the Zonai terminal. You will be informed that the gate is locked by five padlocks. Note the Zonai Chest in the alcove on the right, which likely contains some Arrows.

2. Unlocking Padlocks
– Padlock 1F – South End: Activate the Mine Cart. From the activation terminal, walk to the southeast and fight off the Soldier Construct. Carefully jump over the lava and find a Hydrant. Use the Hydrant to create platforms in the lava and cross over. Hop into the mine cart and activate the Fan. While riding on the mine cart, launch Yunobo at the green target to cause the rails to shift and move forward. Jump off the cart and make your way around the corner to find a Fire Like. Defeat it and then grab a Hydrant from the previous area, carrying it by the Fire Like. Use the Hydrant to create platforms in the lava up ahead. Attach these platforms together using Ultrahand and adjust them to create a bridge leading to the large red rock. Launch Yunobo across to break the red block. In the next area, have Yunobo roll into the massive gong, causing one of the padlocks to unlock.

– Padlock 2F – North End: Return to the Mine Cart. After riding the mine cart to get the first padlock, return to the mine cart at the south end of 1F. Hit the yellow switch, turning it green, which will lift the gate. Jump back into the mine cart and activate the fan. If the minecart rolled down the tracks, grab one of the nearby minecarts. While riding the cart, use Yunobo to destroy the red block on the track. Once the track comes to an end, jump off and turn the cart around with Ultrahand. Link can also strike the device nearby, causing the track to spin around. Jump back on the cart and ride along, hitting the target ahead with Yunobo to get the track to shift. Defeat the Igneo Pebblit by launching Yunobo at them. Link can hit the switch here, causing the rails to turn and the gate to lift. Riding the cart this way eventually leads to a treasure chest containing ten Arrows, but it is optional. Return to where you fought the little fire pebblits and jump off the cart. Walk to the west and find another switch with another cart and rail. Strike the switch and it will cause the rail here to drop down. Put the cart on the rail and ride it northward. Use Yunobo to launch an attack at the red rock in the lava, breaking it. This will cause the Hydrant to spill water on the lava, creating platforms. Grab these platforms with Ultrahand and stick them together to create a bridge. Using the bridge, walk across the lava to the north side of the room. Wrap around the wall and defeat the Soldier Construct here. Use Yunobo to activate the second padlock.

– Padlock 1F – Northwest: Return to the Middle Platform. Link can Paraglide over to the middle platform on 3F or use the elevator shortcut to reach it from 1F. At the north side of the platform, hit the two green switches so that the platforms align correctly.

3. Unlocking Remaining Padlocks
Continue this process for the remaining padlocks, following similar steps of navigating through mine carts, using hydrants to create platforms, and activating switches to unlock each padlock.

4. Defeating the Boss
– Final Lock and Boss Fight: After unlocking all five padlocks, return to the portal and examine it, which will result in the locked door finally opening. Go inside and look up at the ceiling to see a big red boulder that needs to be smashed. Send Yunobo spinning up the side of the curved room for him to roll straight up into the ceiling and smash the rock. This will reveal the boss, Marbled Gohma. To defeat Marbled Gohma, use Yunobo’s charge ability and good aim to roll and whack at the boss’s legs, which are made of the same big red boulders you’ve been smashing throughout the temple.

By following these steps, you will be able to complete the Fire Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

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