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Green ravens bot of war

To find all eight green ravens in the Astro Bot level “Bot of War” and unlock the “Eyes of the All-Father” Trophy, follow these detailed steps:

### Step-by-Step Guide to Finding All Ravens in Bot of War

1. **Raven #1**
– **Location**: As you fly into the level on Astro’s Dual Speeder, keep left to spot the first raven perched on a pillar.
– **Action**: Use the DualSense’s gyro controls to throw your axe at the raven and collect it.

2. **Raven #2**
– **Location**: After getting Kratos’ axe, climb onto the massive corpse of the spiky enemy and rescue Thrud. Turn around and look for the second raven on a low rock against the cliff.
– **Action**: Throw your axe at the raven to collect it.

3. **Raven #3**
– **Location**: After crossing the gap with the tightrope, look right to see Chaurli the giant tortoise. Go over to him and spot the third raven on the pillars to the left.
– **Action**: Throw your axe at the raven to collect it.

4. **Raven #4**
– **Location**: Cross back over to the main platform and look left to see the fourth raven perched on an icy ledge.
– **Action**: Throw your axe at the raven to collect it.

5. **Raven #5**
– **Location**: Continue in this direction and smash the ice block ahead. Blow into the horn to summon Jormungandr, the World Serpent. Climb onto its head and look up at the icy cliffs to spot the fifth raven.
– **Action**: Throw your axe at the raven to collect it.

6. **Raven #6**
– **Location**: Progress through the level and defeat the large enemy. Look over to the left to see the sixth raven on the ice.
– **Action**: Throw your axe at the raven to collect it.

7. **Raven #7**
– **Location**: Smash the ice block to the right to reveal a trampoline. Break the breakable walls to find the Raven Tree, where you’ll see the seventh raven flying in a circle.
– **Action**: Throw your axe at the raven to collect it.

8. **Raven #8**
– **Location**: After knocking over the giant hammer, approach the base of the hammer and you’ll see the eighth raven on the other side of it.
– **Action**: Throw your axe at the raven to collect it and unlock the “Eyes of the All-Father” Trophy.

### Additional Tips
– If you miss any of the ravens, you can restart the level to try again.
– The mural on the wall near the raven tree is supposed to show players how many ravens they’ve destroyed, but the number of ravens shown here isn’t always accurate.

By following these steps, you will be able to find all eight green ravens in the Astro Bot level “Bot of War” and unlock the “Eyes of the All-Father” Trophy.

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