Response: When discussing “Halo: Reach multiplayer maps,” hiding places refer to strategic locations on the maps where players can conceal themselves to gain an advantage over their opponents. Here are some detailed descriptions of hiding places on various Halo: Reach multiplayer maps:
1. Battle Canyon
– Description: Battle Canyon is a small, compact map with teleporters that can instantly transport players to either end of the map. It features sniping coves on both sides and has the rocket launcher precariously placed atop a ledge at the center of the map.
– Hiding Places: The teleporters can be used to quickly move between areas, but players can also use the sniping coves and the ledge with the rocket launcher to create ambushes. The corners of the map, especially near the teleporters, can be good spots to hide and surprise opponents.
2. Sword Base
– Description: Sword Base is a multi-level map with unique sightlines from the openings into each floor. It features a mix of close quarters combat and open areas, making it enjoyable on various game variants.
– Hiding Places: The open bridges and floors provide ample opportunities for hiding. Players can use the corners of the upper floors, behind pillars, or in narrow corridors to remain concealed. The lower levels also have hidden spots behind walls and under bridges.
3. Treasury
– Description: Treasury is a multi-level map with rockets on a parapet in the lower level. It features three ramps, one in the middle and one on either side.
– Hiding Places: The middle tier has swords, and one side has a sniper rifle. Players can hide behind the ramps, especially the ones on the sides, to create ambushes. The lower level’s parapet with rockets can also be used to lure opponents into a trap.
4. Enclosed
– Description: Enclosed is a tight map with three mixed levels. It features rockets at the bottom level and grav-lifts throughout the map. There is a sniper rifle on one side behind a glass structure and a grenade launcher in the center of the map in a small building.
– Hiding Places: The tight corridors and mixed levels provide many hiding spots. Players can use the corners of the upper levels, behind the glass structure where the sniper rifle is located, or in the small building with the grenade launcher to remain concealed.
5. Zealot
– Description: Zealot is a triple-tiered lift heavy layout map. It features covenant heavy weapon availability, including the infamous space zone.
– Hiding Places: The lifts can be used to traverse levels, but they also make players vulnerable to enemy fire. Players can hide in the space zone, which is often camped by opponents, or use the corners of the upper levels to create ambushes.
6. Spire
– Description: Spire is a big team battle and invasion map with every single weapon and vehicle in the game available. It features a large covenant tower that players must take control of.
– Hiding Places: The large size of Spire offers many hiding spots. Players can use the corners of the tower, behind pillars, or in the various rooms and corridors to remain concealed. The upper levels of the tower provide excellent vantage points for sniping.
7. Boneyard
– Description: Boneyard is a huge map with mounted turrets in defensible locations, vehicles, and sniper-friendly high ground. It is ideal for big team modes like capture the flag.
– Hiding Places: The ship graveyard layout of Boneyard offers numerous hiding spots. Players can use the turrets, vehicles, and high ground to create ambushes. The corners of the map, especially near the turrets, can be good spots to hide and surprise opponents.
8. Countdown
– Description: Countdown is a small arena map with tight corridors and ambush points. It features a weapon selection that encourages close-quarters fighting.
– Hiding Places: The tight corridors and ambush points make Countdown a map where hiding is crucial. Players can use the corners of the map, behind pillars, or in narrow corridors to remain concealed. The layout of the map ensures that players are always in close proximity to each other, making hiding essential.
9. Burial Mounds
– Description: Burial Mounds is a spacious map featuring light vehicles and varied terrain. It is well known for its ambushes and sniper battles.
– Hiding Places: The generous amount of cover and varied terrain make Burial Mounds a prime location for hiding. Players can use the corners of the map, behind rocks or vehicles, or in the varied terrain to remain concealed. The layout of the map allows for both open and close-quarters combat, making it essential to know the hiding spots.
10. Hang ‘Em High
– Description: Hang ‘Em High is an infantry-based indoor map featuring wide open spaces and verticality. It is known for its epic struggles to maintain the height advantage.
– Hiding Places: The wide open spaces and verticality of Hang ‘Em High make it challenging to find hiding spots. However, players can use the corners of the map, behind pillars, or in narrow corridors to remain concealed. The layout of the map encourages creative play, making it essential to know the hiding spots to gain an advantage.
In summary, each Halo: Reach multiplayer map offers unique hiding places that players can utilize to gain an advantage over their opponents. Understanding the layout and strategic locations on each map is crucial for effective gameplay.

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