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how many lightroots are there under akkala

There are 5 Lightroots located under the Akkala region. Here are their coordinates and locations:

1. Sikutamak Lightroot – Just outside the Akkala House of Bones.
2. Kuhsagi Lightroot – By the Flux Construct you fight as the final part of the Lomei Labyrinth.
3. Kawisar Lightroot – Northeast of the Yiga Hideout on the two lakes in the Northwest corner of the map.
4. Ui-Ihcoj Lightroot – On the south side of the lake from the Kasiwar Lightroot.
5. Akinatanis Lightroot – South from the Wellspring of Power, and Gedihcayam Lightroot is southeast from Death Mountain, but these two are not directly under Akkala but rather in its vicinity.

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