To win the mayoral election in “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom,” you need to follow these steps:
1. Complete the Pre-Requisite Quests
Before starting the mayoral election quest, you must complete the following quests:
– Team Cece or Team Reede?
– A New Signature Food
– Cece’s Secret
– Reede’s Secret
These quests set the stage for the mayoral election by introducing the conflict between Cece and Reede and their differing visions for Hateno Village.
2. Witness the Argument
After completing the pre-requisite quests, head to Cece’s shop in Hateno Village. There, you will witness a cutscene where Cece and Mayor Reede argue, leading to the decision to hold a mayoral election.
3. Speak with Sophie
Once you have witnessed the argument, speak with Sophie, who is usually found outside Cece’s shop. This will initiate the mayoral election process.
4. Follow the Election Process
The election process will unfold with cutscenes revealing the secrets and strategies of both Cece and Reede. Cece will eventually drop out of the race, and both candidates decide to work together to ensure Hateno Village’s prosperity.
5. Receive Your Reward
After the election, return to Cece’s shop and speak with her. She will thank you for your help and reward you with the Cece Hat, a unique piece of headgear. Additionally, Cece’s shop will now sell one-of-a-kind armor pieces that you have previously acquired, allowing you to purchase and customize your armor.
By following these steps, you will successfully complete the mayoral election side adventure in “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.”

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