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Play Store is not showing pocket battle

If the Play Store is not showing “Pocket Battle” and you are unable to download it, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

1. Check Connectivity:
– Ensure that your internet connection is active and working. A simple way to do this is by searching the web. If you can’t search for something and see information, your internet connection might be the issue.

2. Force Stop and Reopen the App:
– Open the main Settings app on your device.
– Tap on Apps or Manage applications (depending on your device).
– Locate the Google Play Store app and tap on it.
– Tap Force stop.
– Re-open the Google Play Store and try downloading “Pocket Battle” again.

3. Check Payment Status:
– Open the Google Play Store app.
– At the top right, tap your Profile picture.
– Tap Payments & subscriptions > Budget & history.
– Ensure that your payment method is complete and active. If there are any issues with your payment, you might need to resolve them before proceeding.

4. Restart Your Device:
– Hold down the power button on your mobile device.
– Tap Power off or Restart (depending on your device).
– If needed, hold down the power button again to turn the device back on.
– Wait for the device to start back up.
– Re-open the Google Play Store and try downloading “Pocket Battle” again.

5. Update the Play Store App:
– Open the Google Play Store app.
– At the top right, tap your Profile picture.
– Tap Settings > About > Update Play Store.
– Ensure that you are running the latest version of the Play Store, as in-app purchases work best with the latest updates.

6. Contact the Developer:
– If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it might be a problem with the app itself. Contact the developer for support. They can provide specific guidance or fix any issues related to their app.

7. Check for App Removal:
– Sometimes, apps are removed from the Play Store due to policy violations or other reasons. If “Pocket Battle” is no longer available, it might have been removed. You can check if the app is still available by searching for it in the Play Store.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and potentially resolve the issue preventing you from downloading “Pocket Battle” from the Play Store.

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