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Wht to keep in inventory sewers resident evil 3

When navigating the sewers in Resident Evil 3, it’s crucial to manage your inventory effectively to ensure you have the necessary items for survival and progression. Here are the key items to keep in your inventory:

1. Hand Grenade: This can be used to take out Hunter Gammas from a distance.

2. MGL Grenade Launcher: This is essential for dealing with Hunter Gammas, especially in tight spaces.

3. Explosive B: This can be combined with other explosive items to create more powerful rounds.

4. Shotgun Shells: These are crucial for taking out Hunter Gammas quickly and effectively.

5. Battery Pack: Needed to unlock doors and access certain areas, including the Security Room where you can find a Hip Pouch.

6. Hip Pouch: This expands your inventory capacity, allowing you to carry more items.

7. Gunpowder: This is essential for crafting ammunition and other items.

8. Red Herb: This is a health item that can be used to heal Jill.

9. Increased Sewer Security File: This file provides information about the Battery Pack needed to unlock doors and progress through the sewers.

10. Flame Rounds: These are useful for dealing with certain enemies, including Hunter Gammas.

By keeping these items in your inventory, you will be better equipped to handle the challenges of the sewers and progress through the game.

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